Mondlandeplatz Albiolo 

Lunapark Albiolo is a traveling amusement park located in the town of Albiolo, which usually opens its doors during the summer months, from June to late August. In recent years, coinciding with the festivities of Sant’Anna on July 27th, the park extends a gracious invitation, granting complimentary access and rides to all social rehabilitation facilities … Weiterlesen …

Vorübergehende Luna Parks

The temporary or travelling Luna Parks distinguish themselves from the fixed in two ways: 1) they travel, as opposed to the fixed that stay at the same location all year round, and 2) they normally have several owners which dispose of their individual attractions and together make up the entirety of the funfair. Below you … Weiterlesen …

Alle Luna Parks

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine vollständige Liste aller Luna-Parks der Welt - aktive und geschlossene sowie feste und fahrende.

Geschlossene Luna Parks

Below you can see a list of all the closed Luna Parks in the world. You can see a list of all the active Luna Parks here. The list below contains 38 Luna Parks which has opened an closed in the period 1901 – now. The latest closure was in 2013, when Luna Grand Park … Weiterlesen …